This is a single deathmatch level created in 5 days for a coworker who was leaving to start a different career. We both enjoyed video games so I decided a fitting parting gift would be a deathmatch level dedicated to them. Enjoy the Linkin Park midi 🙂
- Title: Lisk Deathmatch
- Filename: lisk_dm_v1.1.pk3
- Author: Casey Warrer
- Source Port: Zandronum
- Players: 2-8
- GameModes: Duel/Deathmatch/Instagib
- Maps: MAP01
- 3D Floors and Slopes: Yes
- Base: New from scratch
- Build Time: 5 days
- Editors Used: GZDoomBuilder, Slade3, GIMP
- Credits: Linkin Park for the Papercut midi, Quake 3 for the jump pad sfx
- v1.1: Fixed grate that allowed easy access to BFG unintentionally