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GZDoom Tip: Taking Screenshots / Photo Mode
By Default, GZDoom lets you take in-game screenshots using the F12 key. The resulting screenshots end up in your GZDoom folder in a subfolder named “Screenshots.” Most modern games have some sort of photo mode that lets you fly around as a spectator to take interesting shots that wouldn’t be possible during normal gameplay. Follow…
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Release – USQC Unloaded DM
July 1st 2020 marked the release of USQC Unloaded!!! I contributed MAP12 of the mappack. Here are the details from the project lead, Zillah: The USQC: Unloaded Community Project is a community-made mappack for DOOM 2 DM on Zandronum, containing 24 maps and featuring countless content ranging from huge maps that rival the size and complexity of…
Getting Started with Ultimate Doom Builder
A new community developed fork of Doom Builder 2 has been released! ZDoom community member ZZYZX has worked to take everything that made Doom Builder 2 and GZDoom Builder great and put everything into an even more improved tool called Ultimate Doom Builder. You can check out the original forum post below. It includes features,…
DM Map – Village of the Wicked
This is my submissions for the USQC Deathmatch community project. I made it in under 6 days. Check out the video and screenshots below. You can also download it and play it using the latest version of Zandronum (hardware rendering mode is highly suggested). USQCDM-LacedCase.zipDownload
Deathmatch Project (Update 3/30/20)
Here are screenshots and a gameplay video of the first 6 deathmatch levels that I have been working on. MAP01: Data Center Blues MAP02: ‘Hanging’ Gardens MAP03: Desecrated Earth MAP04: Dump Zone MAP05: Asylum MAP06: Phobos Base
Hanging Gardens DM Map – Before and After (Screenshots)
I’ve been making Doom maps since 2009 and it’s always interesting looking at my past work and admiring how much I’ve improved since then. It’s also fun seeing the hidden gems I made. I decided to take a deathmatch level I created in May 2016 and update it to make it look and play better.…
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Lisk DM – Single Deathmatch Level
This is a single deathmatch level created in 5 days for a coworker who was leaving to start a different career. We both enjoyed video games so I decided a fitting parting gift would be a deathmatch level dedicated to them. Enjoy the Linkin Park midi 🙂 Title: Lisk DeathmatchFilename: lisk_dm_v1.1.pk3Author: Casey WarrerSource Port: ZandronumPlayers:…
Doom Builder Tip – Help! Doom Builder Crashed and I Lost Some Data!
Doom Builder 2 is pretty stable and works great most of the time, but sometimes it does lock up and crash. If you are experiencing a crash and need to recover some lost progress, try following these steps! This guide was adapted from This Forum Post from jmickle66666666 Try avoiding closing Doom Builder before you…
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Doom Builder Tip – Why Did the GZDoom Features Stop Working in Visual Mode???
One minute you’re working in GZDoom Builder’s Visual Mode, you fumble some keys accidentally, and now skies, dynamic lights, slopes, and 3d floors are all gone!!! What the heck!!! I would do this every once in a while and not know how to turn it back on. After some digging, I found that the TAB…
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Doom Builder Guide – 3D Floors
GZDoom’s 3D floors add a lot of functionality to your maps if you’re looking to stray away from the limitations of classic Doom and expand your maps to something more like Quake level design. This tutorial is aimed at Intermediate mappers that understand sectors, linedef actions, dummy sectors, Visual Mode, and 3D space. Download Example…